Mens Ministry
Monday Night Men... Taking real faith into real life.
WHEN: every monday night (except holidays)
WHERE: TalegaLlife Church 1040 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, Ca (church map)
TIME: Join us for dinner and a study at 6:30pm. We try to be done by 8:00pm
Monday Night Men is one of TLCs longest running ministries because the need has never been greater. Let’s face it, Christian men are assaulted by the world media feeding images 24/7 to our televisions, movie theaters and our computers. It’s tough if you have no Christian brothers to support you and help keep you accountable.
With Monday Night Men you set aside some time in your busy week to actually open your bible and read it. It’s a place where there is always time to discuss our struggles and our victories. We’ll equip you to understand the messages and always to ask questions when you don’t understand. Our motto is “Real Faith for Real Life”.
It all works together, like iron sharpening iron as we strengthen our faith in Christ, our friendships and our accountability. We meet every Monday (except Holidays) at 6:30pm for fellowship, the study runs to about 8:00pm. We vary in age from 20 to 80, so consider yourself invited.
Any questions? Contact Pastor Pondo at 949-493-1980.